Friday, January 22, 2010

Amerian Women's Association

I had heard about a group called the American Women's Association and decided to check it out. They provide a wide variety of activities and events with some 1200 members. They sponsor tours, both local and foreign, coordinate volunteer efforts, have sports leagues, arrange book clubs, etc.
Noticed one group called Women's Social Network which posted itself as a member driven group created for any woman who spends a lot of time on their own and is looking for company to explore Singapore. They recognize that many woman are here without full time employment and spouses who travel often and work long hours. Their "no woman left behind" policy sounded like just the ticket to meet new friends.
They have an informal coffee every other Wednesday at Starbucks at Plaza Singapura (one of the many malls - shopping is a whole other post!). So off I went and met several very interesting folks. There were about 15 women at coffee of all different stages of life. I even met a woman from Doylestown!
They're a great source of information and it is wonderful to be able to bounce ideas around.
We meet next Tuesday for a girls night out at a Mexican restaurant at Clarke Quay. Dan has already dubbed us the "Women's Drinking Network!"

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