Friday, January 22, 2010

Finally in Singapore!

We are finally here and I'm going to try blogging. Please excuse the inept prose - this especially means you, Carolanne and Brennan!

After much planning, the Christmas Holidays, driving with Anne and Harry (through the snow) to Wisconsin and straightening the house - Dan and I are both finally in Singapore. I will have been here a week tomorrow but it already seems like quite a while since I was in the US.

I'll try not to give you a running list of activities but just some of the highlights - things we think are funny, interesting or just different.

I'll also try to post pictures but my photography skills are sorely lacking.

Anyway - here goes nothing!

1 comment:

  1. We have been thinking of you often! It all sounds exciting. I'd be right there with you trying the interesting food selections. Take care and enjoy! Alice M.
