Sunday, January 31, 2010

Singapore Flyer

London has its Eye, Singapore has the Flyer, the giant observation wheel which is the world’s largest. The Flyer was built in 2008 but then it was stopped and the direction was reversed because according to feng shui the wheel was turning away from the financial district and therefore taking all Singapore’s riches with it! Of course this cost millions of dollars to rework. 

We can see the flyer from our apartment so I was a little leery of riding the thing especially as we got close. I didn’t want to have a complete fear of heights meltdown midway around, but since one revolution only takes 30 minutes I decided to give it a try.  Like the London Eye, the Flyer never stops revolving and the glass cabins open on one side to let people exit and then as it moves along the opposite side is opened to let people enter.
The views of Singapore are spectacular with a 360⁰ panorama. We could see all the way to Malaysia and Indonesia and even could pick out our apartment building. It’s amazing to see all of the container ships off the coast waiting to dock, just a reminder of the importance of Singapore’s trading center.
You can host a private party in one of the Flyer’s cabins, reserve a cabin for drinks or have a full course dinner catered while you circle several times around. The next Nardi Party?!?
Marina Golf Course with lights for night rounds.    

The new Sands Casino
The pools will be on the skybridge that spans
the top of the three hotel towers!

1 comment:

  1. OK - that creeps me out a bit! The height issue, that is ... But I promise to consider it when I come to visit - the views are great! And if you serve me a cocktail ... that may be the deciding factor. Thanks for keeping us informed!
