Sunday, January 24, 2010

Grocery Shopping and Home Cooking

Grocery shopping in Singapore turns out to be similar and still quite different than shopping at home. Today I went to the Fair Price market just down the street from our apartment.  The produce and meat sections were especially interesting.  Here are some things I learned:
Japanese cucumbers are delicious.
Pumpkins are white.
You cannot get blue cheese salad dressing.
You can get Skippy peanut butter.
Skippy peanut butter comes in Chocolate.
Chicken Ham?????????
"Streaky Bacon" doesn't brown but it does taste like bacon.
There is an "American Section."
You can buy beer and wine in the grocery, mini-marts, and 7-11s.
Free delivery is available if you spend S$100.
You definitely need a pull cart if you don't spend S$100.
Durians (local fruit) are really stinky!
The bread is delicious and smells heavenly.

1 comment:

  1. So what is in the "American Section" of the grocery store!?
